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School Choices
- Parents need to select the most appropriate schools and understand how to make the best choices
- There is a choice of four high schools, regardless of residential location
- When making a choice, parents should consider the following:
1) Choose schools which reflect the child's academic capabilities
2) Only choose schools that you are willing to accept - factors such as vicinity, availability of transport and travelling time to and from school must be taken into consideration
3) All schools are different - parents need to understand that each school is unique and different. This decision should be discussed between the parent and child as the social development of a child is also and important factor in their growth.
Application and Criteria for entry
- It is important to read all the instructions provided in the application booklet and fully understand all the requirements
- When completing an application focus on the following:
- your child's academic achievements
- selecting the most appropriate schools
- commenting on your child's achievements
- requesting an exemption (if necessary)
- lodging an appeal (if necessary)
Academic Record
- Academic merit is determined mainly by the combination of the results of the following:
- EXTERNAL MARK: Selective High Schools Test in English Language, Written Expression, Mathematics and General Ability
- INTERNAL MARK: Primary school assessments of student performance in English, Mathematics and Writing